At the heart of our mission, we work to expand opportunities in the performing arts for both professional artists and community performers. For adult movers and dancers in our community, we recognize that there might be more interest than there are actual opportunities for professionally produced dance performances. We want to help change that!

Westside theater community productions:
abunDANCE was inspired by 40 Over 40 but this time we want to open up the talent pool…
For dancers of all ages, abunDANCE is the chance to work with professional choreographers and designers to showcase the talent and enthusiasm of our Missoula community.
From novice to seasoned, all movers are welcome!
CLICK HERE to learn more!
40 Over 40 was our first Community Performance at the Westside Theater.
Built on the dream of celebrating dancers over the age of 40, it’s safe to say - this is one of the theater’s most enduring legacies to date!
While we don’t like to make promises, keep your eyes open for the return of this audience & dancer favorite in the spring of 2026. :)